Iver BIM 8/10

NKK avd Innlandet 8/10-24.

Dommer Åse Jakobsen.

NOBSCH NORDVCH NUCH RL-I Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver" debuterte i Championklassen på denne utstillingen. Det gjorde han med å vinne klassen, for så og bli beste hannhund og senere BIM!

Gratulerer så mye til Iver og eier Ingun Nesfeldt fra stolte oppdrettere!!!

Foto; Kathrine Høvik.

Kembo SVCH!

Dagen etter Nordisk hadde Kembo og Stig lagt opp til en ordinær prøve i de svenske skoger.

Det gikk som det skulle og Kembo gikk inn til mer enn godkjent!

Dermed kan Kembo nå putte nok en tittel foran stamtavle navnet sitt og heter nå:

NBSCH NV(F)CH SVCH Kalexas Loch Ciaran!!

Gratulerer så mye fra stolte oppdrettere!!!

Sølv i Nordisk Mesterskap 

Nordisk Mesterskap i Blodspor for Retrievere gikk av stabelen i Sverige 28/9-24.

PÅ det norske laget var det i år tatt ut fire flat og en labrador. Og det er med stolthet vi kan si at vår lille kennel var meget godt representert. 

CH Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver" med fører/eier Ingun Nesfeldt og CH Kalexas Loch Ciaran "Kembo" med fører/eier Stig Fladen var tatt ut som representanter for å kjempe med det norske flagget på brystet. "Ivers" datter Alma med eier/fører Beathe Nes var også med på laget.

Kort fortalt var de alle på rette sporet og de snuste seg inn til en flott sølvmedalje! Keembo ble beste norske hund og også beste Flat totalt i mesterskapet!!

Vi er så stolte av disse representantene for rasen vår og gratulere de så mye!!!

Lara with her first title!

Kalexas Jura One For You "Lara" has done her debut in the Rally Obedience ring. And the young lady did good!!

Three strike one in her three first starts and by that she can add the title RL-I to her official name!

We are so proud of young Lara and her partner in crime, Sølvi. 

The juniors did us proud!

Three of our juniors were out last weekend, 14-15/9, and did us proud!

In Vesterålen Egon and Kaifa showed their socks off. 

Kalexas Jura First Edition "Egon"

Saturday: 1 JKK, CK, 2 BHK, CAC.

Sunday: 1 JKK, CK, 2 BHK, CAC.

Owners: Kennel Calebri.

Kalexas Isle Of Jura "Kaifa"

Saturday: 1 JKK, CK, 4 BTK.

Sunday: 1 JKK, CK, 4 BTK, Res.CAC.

Owner: Ingeborg Kristine Sagerup.

In the south Lara had her debut in the Rally-obedience ring.

Kalexas Jura One For You "Lara"

Saturday: 193 points, nr 3 in her class.

Sunday: 195 points, nr 3 in her class.

Owner: Sølvi Eyde Olsen.

We are so proud of this young ones and their owners!!!

NKK Tromsø x 3

16-18/8 was the annual trippel NKK Int and Nordic Dogshow in Tromsø. Friday "Stella" Kalexas Never Let Me Down Again won Open class with CK and ended the day wit 3 BTK and Res.Cacib=CACIB.

Scond day "Iver" Kalexas Loch Fender won Open Class with CK and ended as 4th BHK.

Sunday and last day "Iver" once again won Open Class with CK and ending as third best male he got his last and crowning CAC and by that he is now NUCH!

We are so proud of our puppybuyers and their great results with their lovely dogs!!

Wilma Thirtheen years old.

16.08.24 this beauty turned into a teenager. 

Thirteen years young and still happy and full of life. I`m so happy to have this grand old lady in my life and I hope for many more to come. 

Happy Birthday dear Wilma!

Flinke valpekjøpere

2 x CERT på Helgeland Hundefestival 12/8-24!

For dommer Frank Kane, UK ble det full klaff for Iver og Stella Rose.

CH Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver" med eier Ingun Nesfeldt  vant Åpen klassen med CK og ble så 3 BHK med CERT! 

Kalexas Never Let Me Down Again "Stella Rose" med eier Mari Stine Johansen vant også Åpen klasse med CK og ble så 2 BTK også med CERT!

I NM i Rally LP har "Lizzie" CH Kalexas Loch Fern med eier og fører Sølvi Eyde Olsen deltatt for andre året på rad. Bare det å kvalifisere seg er en bragd det står respekt av når man vet at det  er kun 60 stk som får lov til å gå. 

Lizzie og sølvi ble nest beste flat totalt og endte som nr 34 av 60 startende!!

Vi er så stolte og glade for våre valpekjøpere som gir oss så mye glede og stolthet gjennom deres prestasjoner og opplevelser med hunder fra  vårt lille oppdrett.

Tusen Takk til dere for dette!

NKK Fauske 2024

We had a marvelous trip to the Northern part of Norway last weekend. Once again our dogs did us so proud!

"Lucy" Calzeat Baby One More Time won Open class on saturday and went on to Best Bitch with CAC and by that she can add two CH titles to her name (NUCH SU(u)CH)!

"Glen" CH Kalexas River Glenmore Got his third Vet CAC and is now also NVet CH. He also took home the BOB on saturday. Sunday he was Fourth Best Male.

"Sia" CH Calzeat Get The Feeling also got her third Vet CAC and she also can add the NVet CH title in front of her name. On Sunday she also was Second Best Bitch.

Young "Egon" Kalexas Jura First Edition came over from Sweden and he won Junior Class both days with CK and  J-CAC and J Nordic CAC and J CACIB.

"Lille" Kalexas Sound Of Jura also won Junior Class both days, and saturday she got CK and J CAC and Nordic J-CAC. On Sunday the judge thaught her lack of coat (as a junior of 12 months?!?) did not deserve the CK, so no title for Lille yet.

"Thyra" Kalexas Glamis Castle won Open Class on sunday and went on to fourth best bitch gaining the Res.CAC.

"Magnus" CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle was second Best Male on Sunday.

Our Breeders Group was best group both days.

Benti with a new title!

Saturday 3/8-24 Multi CH Multi W Kalexas Bentley Brooklands "Benti" got his fourth an crowning CAC i Belgium. 

And by this he can now also add BECH to his already impressive name. 

We are so proud of young Benti and sending lots of congratulaitions to his owners, Nancy, Stefaan and Vera in Belgium.


"Robin" Kalexas Devil`s Dyke med eier og fører Ingun Nesfeldt var i helgen i Snertingdal og gikk kadaverhundprøve. 

og som eneste ekvipasje som bestod prøven er Robin nå godkjent som kadaversøkshund. 

Dermed er han klar for tjenste til å bistå i søk etter beitedyr drept og skadet av rovdyr eller annet. 

Vi gratulerer og ønsker lykke til i denne viktige tjeneste!

What A weekend!

27 og 28 juli var det NRK avd Sunnmøre sin årlige dobbel utstilling i Sykkylven som stod for tur.

Vi hadde meldt på 6 hunder og la i vei på det som skulle bli en uforglemmelig helg. 

Kort oppsummert kom vi hjem med totalt 7 x Best in Show og 1 x  BIS-2 Junior!!

Med på laget denne gangen hadde vi fått fantastiske Mathilde Garthe som med sine 13 år viste de voksne hvordan det skal gjøres. Søndag utklasset hun og Magnus alle og avsluttet med BIS nr 7!

Lørdag dømte rasespesialist Kirsi Nieminene fra Finland og Søndag var det Jens Karlsson fra Sverige som styrte ringen.

CH Kalexas River Glenmore "Glen"

Lørdag: 1 BKK, CK, 1BHK, BIR, BIS Bruks, Best In Show.

Søndag: 1 Vetk, CK, 2 BHK, BIS Veteran.

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus"

Lørdag: 1 CHK, CK, 2 BHK.

Søndag: 1 CHK, CK, 1 BHK, BIR, Best In Show!

CH Kalexas Loch Anna "Anna"

Lørdag: 1 CHK, CK, 3 BTK.

Søndag: 1 CHK, CK, 1 BTK, BIM.

CH Calzeat Get The Felling "Sia"

Lørdag: 1 Vetk, CK, 4 BTK, BIS Veteran.

Søndag: 1 Vetk, CK, 3 BTK, BIM veteran

Kalexas Sound Of Jura "Lille"

Lørdag: 1 JKK, CK, BIR Junior, BIS-2 Junior.

Søndag: 2 JKK.

Kalexas Lotus Elise "Sara"

Lørdag: Excelent.

Søndag: Excelent

NRK og NSPK 20-21/7-24!

I helgen tok Kathrine med seg veteranene innom Blaker Skanse på veien til vestlandet.

Nenna fikk også vise seg frem på lørdagen.

Fine resultater for våre  tre hunder og på lørdag var begge jentene plassert i BTK.

CH Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia" stod som 2 BBTK og Kalexas Charlotte Augusta "Nenna" ble 4 BTK.

Sia fikk også æren av å slå Glen i Beste vetaran og tok med BIS-3 Veteran hjem til vestlandet.

Søndag var det CH Kalexas River Glenmore som tok det lengste strået og ble Beste Veteran og plasserte seg også som 3 BHK. 

Fine flinke hunder som kjempet på i varmen på Blaker.

SV-24 og NV-24!

Vi startet juli med utstilling fire dager til ende.

Tvååker 4/7 med SV-24. Dommer  Jennie Andersson. 

Vi hadde kun meldt på Lille i junior og Sia og Glen i veteran.

Ingen tittler men gode kritikker med hjem i bilen til Norge igjen.

Sandefjord ble også Anna, Kembo og Lucy med på lasset.

Gode kritikker og ingen store plasseringer på vårt team, men sånn er det når man møter toppen av flatcoats i Europa i dag.

Høydepunktene stod veteranene våre for. Sia tar sitt tredje strake Nordic Veteran Cert og kan dermed putte Nordic Vet CH foran navet sitt. Hun kan også legge til NVV-24.

Glen fikk også en ny tittel og kan putte på Oslo VV-24 foran sitt navn.

Bildet viser "Sia" Calzeat Get The Feeling og er tatt av Tamara Sundstrøm.

Bergen 15-16/6-24!

A long weekend made short!

BOB and BOS both days.

BOB and BOS Veteran Both days.

BIS Breders Group Saturday.

BIS-2 Breeders Group Sunday.

BIS Vetran Saturday.

BIG-2 Saturday.

CH Kalexas River Glenmore "Glen"

Saturday: 1 VETK, CK, 2 BHK, BOB Veteran, BIS Veteran.

Sunday: 1 BHK, BOS, BOS Veteran.

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus" 

Saturday: 1 BHK, BOB, BIG-2

Sunday: 1 CHK, CK, 2 BHK

Kalexas Loch Anna "Anna"

Saturday: 1 CHK, CK, 1 BTK, BOS

Sunday: 1 CHK, CK, 2 BTK.

CH Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia"

Saturday: 1 Vetk, CK, BOS Veteran.

Sunday 1 Vetk, CK, BOB and BOB Veteran.

Kalexas Glamis Castle "Thyra"

Saturday: 1 AKK, CK, 3 BTK, Res,Cert

Sunday: 2 AKK; CK.

Kalexas Sound Of Jura "Lille L"

Saturday: 1 JKK, CK.

Sunday: 1 JKK CK.

Flinke Valpekjøpere!!

Vi er så heldige å ha flinke og engasjerte valpekjøpere.

15-16/6 var flere av dem i ilden og gøy er det at de viser hvor allsidig flaten er som rase.

Stig Fladen med Kembo var nok en gang ute på sporprøve. De gikk til hele 96/100 poeng og vant Eliteklassen og ble prøvens beste hund!!

Sølvi Eide Olsen og Lizzie har funnet formen i Rally ringen og gikk til 200/200 poeng i Elite klassen og tok en soleklar seier!1

Wenche Pedersen Thomas og Saga gikk til en flott Good på Jakt prøve i BK. Vi gleder oss til å følge dere videre.

I Tromsø debuterte Kaifa i Utstillingsringen og Ingeborg Sagerup kunne fortelle om en Excelent og 1 JKK i debuten. Dette blir spennende videre for Kaifa ogmatmor.

Two New Champion Titles 9/6-24

After the show in Bergen, Magnus went home with Kathrine for a three week vacation. 

They managed to put in a show in Sweden on their scheduel and it turned out very well.

Magnus ended the day as second best male and gained his CC and by that he is now Swedish Show Champion. He also got a Res. Nordic CC witch will count as full, and that wil give him the title NORDIC SHCH.

So happy for our Magnus who is getting better and better and really starting to show off!!

New Title for Benti!

Benti can now add another CH title to his name. At the age of 2,5 he is now to be known as FTA DECHVDH CHCHB CHCHE CHLU CHFRNE CIBJCH Multi JCH Multi J-WN Kalexas Bentley Brooklands!

We are so proud of young Benti and his owners!!

Congratulaition to Nancy, Stefaan and Vera!!

Prøvens beste hund 25/5-24

CH Kalexas Loch Fern "Lizzie" med eier/fører Sølvi hadde en god dag på jobb på lørdag. På AADHK sin blodsporprøve var de skikkelig på hugget og gikk inn til 96,5 poeng (av 100) og ble prøvens beste hund!!

Gratulerer til Lizzie og Sølvi som er godt i gang med å sanke poeng til kvalifiseringen til årets NM!

En fantastisk helg i Bergen 26-27/5-24

En aldeles fantastisk helg i Bergen!!

Lørdag NRK avd Bergen med rasedommer John Thirlwell fra UK.

Søndag NKK Nord med dommer Michael Ganzer fra Sverige.

Kort oppsummert fikk vi med oss hjem:

BIS Oppdretter Lørdag.

BIS-2 Oppdretter Søndag.

CH Calzeat Get The Felling "Sia"

Lørdag: BIR og BIR Veteran, BIS-3 og BIS Veteran.

Søndag: 1 CHK, CK, V-Cert, V-Nordic Cert.

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus"

Lørdag: 1 CHK, CK, 1 BHK, BIM.

Søndag: 3 CHK, CK.

CH Kalexas River Glenmore "Glen"

Lørdag: 1 VETK, CK, 2 BHK, BIM Veteran.

Søndag: 1 VETK, CK, 2 BHK, V-CERT, V-Nordic Cert.

Kalexas Glamis Castle "Thyra"

Lørdag: 1 AKK, CK, 2 BTK, CERT.

Søndag: 1 AKK.

Kalexas Sound Of Jura "Lille L"

Lørdag: 1 JKK.

Søndag:1 JKK, CK, 4 BTK, J-Cert, J-Nordic Cert.

CH Kalexas Loch Anna "Anna"

Lørdag: 1 CHK, CK, 4 BTK.

Søndag: 1 CHK, CK.

CH Kalexas Loch Ciaran "Kembo"

Søndag. 2 AKK, CK.

Kalexas Drink My Brandy In Peace "Obelix"

1 UHK, CK 5 BHK.

Saga Nr 3 på WT - 26/5-24

Kalexas Marie Henriette "Saga" med eier/fører Wenche klinket til på NRK avd Sunnmøre sin WT på søndag. De gikk til en fin tredje plass og med Bestått er Saga nå klarert for opprykk til WT-AK!

Gratulere fra stolte oppdrettere.

Iona`s JW is official

And then its official!

Kalexas Upper Class At Greenbayhill has qualified for inclusion in The Kennel Club Stud Book.

She is also qualified for a Junior Warrant!

And by this young IOna is Lifetime Qualified for Crufts!

Congratulaitions to her owner Roy from proud breeders!!

7 dogs entered on saturday for judge Sue May from Kennel Lussac, UK.

Lucy went all the way to Best In Show!!!

Magnus second best male with Res. CAC.

Glen fourth best male.  

Sunday six dogs entered under judge Carolin Lindquist from Kenel Caci`s.

MAgnus once again second best male with his fourth Res. CAC.

Glen fourth best male.

Sia fourth best bitch.

Märtha fifth best bitch.

Lille L number one in junior with CK.

Thyra third in open with CK.

Club Show Sweden 18/5-24

SSRK 19/5-24

Benti new Suiss Champion 20/5-24

Kalexas Bentley Brooklands has been a trip over to Switserland. He was nr 1 in working class both days and as he was in need of only one CAC, he already on sunday could call himselfe a Suisse Beauty Champion!

This is Bentis third grown up Championtitle!

We are so proud of him and his owners Kennel Flat Passion in Belgium.

Kembo BIS-4!

"Kembo" (CH Kalexas Loch Ciaran) med eier Stig Fladen har igjen vært ute og vist frem allsidigheten til en flat.

Lørdag 13/4 gikk de årets første blodsporprøve, og det gikk bra. Med 80 poeng i Eliteklasse og nr 6 i klassen var de fornøyde med det.

Søndag 14/4 stilte de på Dalane Hundeklubb sin utstilling. Det ble BIR og BIS-4! 

Flotte resultater som virkelig viser hvor allsidig vår fantastiske rase er!

Årets hund i to grener!!

På årsmøte i NRK avd Agder 13/3 ble det delt ut Heder & Ære!

Lizzie ble kåret til Årets hund i Både Rally Elite og Spor Elite! I tillegg fikk hun utmerkelse for sine to Championat i 2023 nemlig NV(f)CH og NRLCH!

 Vi er så stolte av Lizzie og hennes eier og bestevenn Sølvi, og setter umåyelig pris på den måten de viser at rasen vår er en allsidig brukshund!

Bedre ambasadører kan man ikke ha!!!

Another first for Iona 28/2

At Border Counties Gundog Open Show in Carlisle, UK. "Iona" Kalexas Upper Class At Greenbayhill had her first start in Graduate Class. This because there were no Junior Class.

But this did not stop our young girl, and she did well and won her class. 

Judge Abby Bellamy liked young Iona very much.

We are so proud og Iona and Roy!!

Iver with a new title 21/1-23

"Iver" started of the new year with a new title in Rally Obidience. 

By gaining his third 1 pr in class 2 he can now add RL-II to his already impressiv name!

NORD VCH NBSCH RL-I RL-II Kalexas Loch Fender

His partner and owner is Ingun Nesfeldt.

"Robin" RL-I Kalexas Devil`s Dyke also participated in the same class, and he finished to a 2 pr. 

Congratulaitions from proud breeders!!!

MyDog 11/1-23

"Lucy" Calzeat Baby One More Time kicked of the Show year 2024 by winning open class with CQ at MyDog in Gothenburg. 

Judge Moa Persson then gave her the CAC and she was placed as 5 BTK.

A great start for the year by Lucy!!

Last year - 2023

Yet another year has gone by, and we look back at a successful 2023! We have traveled a lot, met old and new friends. Our team have also had success, in a short summary of 2023 we have: 5 x Best In Show wins10 x Best in show breeder group 12 new champion titles8 new winner titles15 x CACIB’sMore than 50 CC’sA bunch of RCC’s8 x BIS working 6 x BIS veteranBIS junior - BIS puppy - BIS Brace.

Top winning bitch at shows in Norway 2023 both “Anna” and “Sia” reached top 5.

Top winning dog at shows in Norway both “Glen” and “Magnus" reached top 5. There are several other achievements in different dogsports.

And of course the most important achievements of them all - the best life partners one can have, every day!None of the above would have been possible without super puppy buyers and good friends!! Thank you all so much for all your effort and help in the past year!

We look forward to a new year with new adventures and new plans. We wish you all the best for 2024!

Nissevinner 2023

The last show this year was the national Retriever show in Stangehallen. Judge for the day was Frode Jevne.

Elsie May (Kalexas How You Hate To Be Wrong) keeps on making us proud. She was first in her class with a CK, and she ended the day as Best In Show Junior.

Lara (Kalexas Jura One For You) was best puppy of breed in 4-6 month.

Lizzie (CH Kalexas Loch Fern) with exc in an open class of 25!

Nenna (Kalexas Charlotte Augusta) exc and number 5 and with a CK in the same open class.

Iver (CH Kalexas Loch Fende) Exc and4 AKK. 

Sia (CH Calzeat Get The Feeling was fourth in Champion also with CK.

Christmas Show DRC, Soltau

From Netherland we went straight to Soltau in Germany.

Glen won Working Class with CAC.

Magnus won Champion Class with CAC and also Best Male!

Elsie second in Junior with Res.CAC.

Lucy again won Open with CAC.

Sia second in Champion Class with Res.CAC.

Märtha first in Veteran with CAC.

In the ring of Honour Glen went all the way to Best Gundog In Show.

Märtha showed her socks off all the way to Best In Show Veteran.

A perfect day ringside with lovely people all around.

Kerstshow Nederland 2023

For second year Kathrine and I went to Gorinchem in Netherlands for the annual Kerstshow (Christmas Show).

Six of our fourlegged friends where entered to the show. 

Glen was best of our boys with Res.Cacib and Res.CAC.

Magnus won the Champion Class. 

Elsie won the Juninior Class with J-CACIB and J-CAC and by that she is now NLJCH.

Lucy won Open Class.

Sia second in Champion Class and was awarded Res.CACIB and Res.CAC who wil be counting as full.

Märtha was Best Veteran and got her second V-CACIB.

In the ring of Honour Märtha was second best veteran in a large veteran group.

And once again our Breeders Group went all the way to Best In Show!


Rallygutta slår til!

Iver og Robin deltok på Lillehammer BHK sitt Rally-LP stevne 15/11-23. Bege gutta startet i klasse 2 og begge gjorde en god jobb.

"Iver" NORDVCH NBSCH RL-I Kalexas Loch Fender plasserte seg som nr 3 i klassen og "Robin" RL-I Kalexas Devil`s Dyke ble nr 4!

Godt jobbet av gutta og eier og pilot Ingun!

Gratulerer fra stolte oppdrettere!!

New Suisse Show Champion!

At Geneve IDS 18/11-23 young Benti recieved his fifth CAC in Switserland and by that he can add his third grownup CH title to his name.


Kalexas Bentley Brooklands

We are so proud of Benti and all his achievements in such young age. Benti turned two in september this year!

Congratulaitions to his owners Nancy and Stefaan, and to his very own Vera who takes care of him in his daily life!

Well done from our puppybuyers!

4th and 5th of november Lizzie and Sølvi was compeeting in the Rally-Obidience ring. They did quite good and on saturday they were the winner of Elite. On sunday they were nr 3 in the same class.

In Germany Benti and his team participated in the dobbel INt show in Dortmund. 

Saturday he was second in working class with Res. CAC witch counts as full. On Sunday he was placed as nr 1 in working witc his fourth CAC in Germany!!!

Congratulaitions from proud breeders!!

Bestått WT 

Kalexas Marie Henriette "Saga" med eier og fører Wenche Pedersen Thomas bestod Working Test BK i Bergen 14/10-23.

De gikk til 77 poeng.

gratulerer fra stolte og glade oppdrettere.

The BEST In SHOW Weekend!!!

What a weekend!!

7-8/10 we attended a double show in Skei. Saturday was a breedshow judge by Perttu Ståhlberg from Finland. 

Glen went all the way to Best In Show!

Anna was best bitch and BOS.

Märtha was 4 best bitch, best veteran and Best In Show Veteran.

Sia Best In Show Working!

Magnus second best Male.

Iver was 4 best dog with res.CAC.

Sally nr 1 in Open With CK.

Lucy Nr 2 in Open with CK.

Our group contenting Glen, Magnus, Märtha and Anna was also Best In Sho!

Sunday was an all breed show and our judge was Saija Juutilainen also from Finland.

Glen decided to do as he did the day before and from working class he was BOB, then he was nr 1 in a big group 8! And he finnished off as Best In Show!!!

Anna was again best bitch and BOS.

Märtha was second best Bitch, and BIS-2 Veteran.

Sia, also from working class, was third best bitch.

Sally once again won open class gaining her second CQ.

Lucy was nr 3 in open.

Magnus second best male.

Iver nr 3 in open.

And for the tenth time this year our group went all the way to Best in Show!! 

Roskilde tre dage til ende.

From Netherlands to Roskilde the weekend after. It was the boys weekend for sure and Magnus was best male all three days with Glen as second best  Male!

A three day event who started with a Nordic Show on friday 22/9. Breedjudge was Nina Skjelbred from Norway.

K.Balmoral Castle was best male with Nordic CAC and BOS. 

K.River Glenmore was second best male with Res.Nordic CAC.

Anna, Sia and Elsie al got CQ in their classes and Anna was placed as 4th best Bitch.

Saturday 23/9 was an Int show with the title Københavnsvinner-23.

Judge was Mikael Tranholm from Denmark.

Magnus best male with Cacib and the titel KBHV-23 added to his pedigree name. He also ended as BOS.

Glen second best male with Res.Cacib.

The judge did not fancy our girls and Anna was the only one with CQ!

Sunday 24/9 was also an Int show with Crufts qualification and Roskildevinner 23.

Breedjudge Anne Tove Strande.

Magnus Best Male, CACIB Crufts Qualified for 2024 and BOB! Tho no placement in the group.

Glen Second best male and Res.Cacib.

Elsie won the juniorclass with CQ, J-CACIB and J-CAC and is now Qualified for Crufts in 2024!

Once again our girls was not in the top cards.

Maastricht, Nederland 16-17/9-23

We went to The Netherlands to participate in two international dog shows in Maastricht.

Saturday 16/9 for judge Rinie Leenen-Compen, NL.

BIS Breeder Group!

BIS Brace Class!

BIS-3 Working!

K.River Glenmore, 1 Working Class, 2 BHK, Res,Cert og Res. Cacib. BIS-3 Working.

K.Balmoral Castle, 2 CHK.

K.Loch Anna, 1 CHK, Best Bitch, CERT, CACIB, BIM

C.Get The Feeling, 1 Working Class, 2 BTK, Res,Cert, Res,Cacib.

K.How You Hate To Be Wrong. 1 JKK, J-Cacib, J-Cert.

Sunday 17/9 for judge Katarzyna Szutkiewcz, Pl.

BIS Breeder Class!

BIS-3 Working!

K.River Glenmore, Best Male, CERT, CACIB, BOB.

K. Balmoral Castle, 2 CHK.

K.How You Hate To Be Wrong, 1 JKK, J-CACIB, J-CERT.

K.Loch Anna, 2 CHK.

C.Get The Feeling, 1 Working Class.

Magnus BIM

NAT Retriever Show in Rogaland.

Judge Vibe B. Madsen from Denmark.

Magnus won the Champion class and ended up as best male.

NUCH DKUCH Kalexas Balmoral Castle.


"Iver og Ingun tok ferga over til Finland for å teste forholden for blodspor der borte.

Det gikk riktig så bra og I ver gikk inn til en 1 pr og dermed FI VCH!

Hans tredje Viltspor Championat i norden og dermed er han nå NORDVCH!!

Vi er så utrolig stolte av Iver og Ingun og alt de har fått til på knappe 3,5 år!!! 

Vi er heldige som har sånne valpekjøperer og vi setter umåtelig stor pris på dere


Kalexas Loch Fender

Glen debuterer i Rally

En vill ide ble fremsatt og med motto - den som gir seg er en dritt- ble Glen meldt på sitt første Rally stevne i Skien 27/8.

Med minimalt med trening var det ikke tatt for gitt at dette skulle gå veien. 

Men Glen er god som gull han, og han lot seg villig føre gjennom banen av Kathrine.

Det ble en 1 premie og nr 5 i klassen av 21 stk på gutten i sin debut.

Dermed er første nappet til mellomtittel i boks :-)

Once again Glen shows us that he is made of something special.

Never to have been trained in Rally Obedience he and Kathrine enterd the ring and he just kicked it right in!

First price and number 5 in his class out of 21 strating dogs!!

I`m so proud of this best boy!

BIR og BIM på Ringerike 26/8-23

Nat. Retrievr Show at Ringerike 26/8.

Judge Kim Bay from Denmark.

NORD UCH Kalexas Loch Anna BOB and NORD UCH Kalexas River Glenmore BOS!

Calzeat Baby One More Time 4 BTK.

Bronsje medalje i Blodspor NM

NBSCH NV(F)CH Kalexas Loch Ciaran "Kembo" og eier/fører Stig Fladen deltok helgen 19-20 august i sitt andre Blodspor NM i karrieren. 

Etter en litt uheldig null i fjorårets konkurranse hadde gutta våre intet å tape i år. 

De klinte til med å vinne kvalifiseringen på lørdagen med hele 98 av 100 oppnåelige poeng, og dermed var de klare for NM finale på søndag.

Av 10 stk som gikk i finalen var, de med helt i toppen og kunne til slutt ta med seg en velfortjent bronsjemedalje hjem tol Jæren!

Vi er så stolte av disse to og alt de har oppnådd på så kort tid!

Iona been showing off in UK!

Kalexas Upper Class At Greenbayhill "Iona" has done good lately in UK. Three times Best Puppy of breed in a row. At Paignton under Breed specialist Brenda Hutchinson, At NGA in Malvern under Breed specialist Sharon Henesey and at Bournmouth. In Bournmouth she also was number 1 in junior class gaining her very much needed points from a open show for her JW.

Owner and handler is Mr Roy Douglas, and we are so proud of Iona and Roy`s results the last couple of weeks!

Benti CAC in Luxembourg 23/7-23

At the Retriever Speciality Show in Luxembourg 23/7 INT Multi JCH Multi JW-22 Kalexas Bentley Brooklands won Intermediat Class for the Scottish Jude Jim Richardson.

This gave him his first CACin Luxembourg!

We are so proud of young Benti!!!

NRK Skarnes 22/7-23

Kathrine took the girls for a day out at Skarnes.

Judge was Ingrid O. Knapp from Irland.

Kalexas How You Hate To Be Wrong "Elsie May" won the junior class with CQ and later on she was Best Junior in Breed and BIS-4 Junior.

Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia" was number one in Champion class and second best bitch.

Calzeat Bayby One More Time "Lucy" got Excelent and was not in the cards in Open Class.

Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver" also got Excelent and was placed second in Open Class.

Glen SU(u)CH 8/7-23

Glen and Kathrine took a trip over to Sweden last weekend, and for judge Börje Johansson he finished up on his Swedish Championtitle.

We are so proud of our boy who got his CAC on his third attempt.


FI CH Kalexas Behind The Wheel

Today 2/7-23 "Voitto Haakon" qualified in the field and by that he released his pending FICH!

We are so proud of Voitto and his owner Anne to achieve this tiltle just one month after Voitto turning 2 years old!

Congratulaitons and lots of thank you from proud and happy breeders!!!

Picktures by Kaija Leinonen. 

Iona did good at Windsor!

Kalexas Upper Class At Greenbayhill

At the prestigues Championship Show at Windsor 1/7-23 she once again was placed as number 1 in puppy class. 

Later she was BOB Puppy but due to unfurtunate circumstances she was not present in the judging of the group.

We are so proud og Iona and her owner Mr. Roy Douglas and cant waite to see the next chapter in this fairytale!

The puppies are here!

Thyra gave birth to 3 boys and 6 girls on the last day in june.

She is a proud mummy and we are proud of her and the puppies!

They are all strong and thriving as it seems.

Another weekend with great results 24/6-23!

Nat show Biri 24/6.

Judge: Breedspecialist Anette Nielsen, DK.

All our dogs did great and Glen was once again BOB! He finished as BIS-3!

CH Kalexas River Glenmore "Glen"

1 CHK, CK, 1 BHK, BOB, BIS-3

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus"

2 CHK, CK, 2 BHK.

Kalexas How You Hate To Be Wrong "Elsie"

1 JKK, CK, BOB-Junior, BIS-2 Junior.

Kalexas Never Let Me Down Again "Stella"

Exc, 4 AKK, CK.

Calzeat Baby One More Time "Lucy"


CH Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia"

1 BKK, CK, 4 BTK, BIS- Working!

CH Kalexa Carrera "Märtha"

2 Vetk, CK.

CH Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver"


Owner: Ingun Nesfeldt.

We also got BIS Breeder again with a group of four combinations

K. River Glenmore.

K. Balmoral Castle.

K. How You Hate To Be Wrong.

K. Carrera.

In Chaloens en Champagne, France 

CH Kalexa Bentley Brooklands "Benti" also showed his socks off.

Best Male with CAC and CACIB from Intermidiate Class!!


NBSCH NV(f)CH NRLCH RL-I RL-II RL-III RL-E                          Kalexas Loch Fern.

On saturday Lizzie and Sølvi got their third first prize in Elite Class in Rally Obidience and by this they got their final CERT and their Champion-title!

We are so proud of Lizzie and Sølvi and all their achievements. This is a result of hard work and training!

Congratulaitions from proud and humble breeders, and 

Thank you for showing how versatile our lovely breed is!

A fantastic weekend in the showring

At the Nat. Breedshow in Sunnmøre our team did it all!!

BIS both days!

BOB and BOS both days!

BIS Breeder both days!

Saturdays judge was Line Andersen.

Sundays Judge was Lena-Cathrine Rølles.

CH Kalexas River Glenmore"Glen"

Saturday: 1 BKK, CK, 1 BHK, BOS, BIS-1 Working.

Sunday: 2 CHK, CK, 2 BHK.

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus"

Saturday: 1 CHK, CK, " BHK.

Sunday: 1 CHK, CK, 1 BHK, BOB, BIS-1.

CH Kalexas Carrera "Märtha"

Saturday: 1 VETK, CK, 3 BTK, BIS-2 Veteran.

Sunday: 1 VETK, CK, 2 BTK, BOS Veteran.

Calzeat Baby One More Time "Lucy"

Saturday: 1 AKK, CK, 1 BTK, BOB, BIS-1.

Sunday: Exc AK.

CH Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia"

Sunday: 1 BKK, CK, 1 BTK, BOS, BIS-Working.

Kalexas How You Hate To Be Wrong "Elsie"

Saturday: 1 JKK, CK.

Sunday: 1 JKK, CK, 3 BTK, Cert, BIS-2 Junior.

Kalexas Never Let Me Down Again "Stella Rosa"

Saturday: 3 AKK, CK

Sunday: 1 AKK, CK, 4 BTK, Res.Cert.

Kembo Nr 3 in Bloodtrack test

NBSCH NV(f)CH Kalexas Loch Ciaran and owner Stig Fladen tok a trip to Eid this weekend to compeet in a bloodtrack competition. 

Once again they did good, and only four dogs finished their track under tough conditions.

Kembo was nr 3 and gatherd more points to qualify him for the national Championship later this year.

Congratulations from proud breeders!!

Voitto Haakon BOB 10/6-23

Kalexas Behind The Wheel went all the way at Kuusamo Nat Show in Finland today.

Exc, 1 AKK, CK, 1 BHK, CERT and BOB!

This is Voittos third CAC and he now only needs his field trial aprovment to gain his FI CH!

We are so proud of young Voitto and his owner Anne Kolsi in Finland.

Iona Winning in UK!

Benti CAC in France!

Kalexas Upper Class At Greenbayhill "Iona"and her Owner Roy Douglas participated at southern counties gundog Championship show. Judge Nina Skjelbred from Norway liked our little girl very much and she was number one in Puppy Class. Roy had also entered her in Novice Class and Iona showed her backpaws also in this class. By winning this two classes she was best puppy for the day, but sadly no placing in the group.

By this Iona is now more than halfway to her Junior Warrant!!

Multi J-CH Kalexas Bentley Brooklands "Benti" was in France this weekwnd.

On saturday he was number 1 in Intermediat class. Giving him a CAC. Reserve best male and Res-CACIB counting as a CACIB.

We are so proud of young Benti and his owners and all theire achivments!

Congratulaitons from proud and humble breeders.

Trondheim 3-4/6-23!

Last weekend was spent in Trondheim.

Saturday at NKK IDS. Judge Martin Philips from UK. 

Not our day completely but all the dogs did good and with Märtha winning Veteran class gainig her V-CACIB and V-CAC as the highlight.

Sunday it was a breed show judged by Anne Tove Strande from Norway.

And we did much better!

Glen went all the way and ended up Best In Show!!!

Sia Got her Best In Show Working! And our Breeder Group also ended up Best In Show!

CH Kalexas River Glenmore "Glen"

Saturday: Exc, 4 CHK, CK

Sunday: Exc, 1 CHK, CK, 1 BHK, BIR, BIS-1

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus"

Saturday: Exc

Sunday: Exc, 2 CHK, CK, 4 BHK.

CH Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver"

Saturday: Exc.

Sunday: Exc, 2 AKK.

Owner Ingun Nesfelst.

Kalexas How You Hate To Be Wrong "Elsie May"

Saturday: Exc, 2 JKK

Sunday: Exc, 2 JKK.

Calzeat Baby One More Time "Lucy"

Saturday: Exc, 4 AKK, CK

Sunday: Exc, 3 AKK, CK

CH Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia"

Saturday: Exc, 2 CHK, CK

Sunday: Exc, 1 BKK, CK, 2 BTK, BIS-Working!

CH Kalexas Carrera "Märtha

Saturday: Exc, 1 VETK, Vet-CAC, Vet-CACIB

Sunday: Exc, 2 VETK, CK.

Norwegian Annual Breedshow 27-28/-23

Last weekend it was the annual breedshow for retrievers in Norway.

Working Test on saturday and Kathrine and Sia was our hope this day. They did their job well and with a total of 88 points they were in the fight for the dual title.

Saturday it was showday and we had only entered Elsie May, Sia and Lucy of our own dogs, and Kembo and Iver was also entered.

Elsie did good in her last puppy show and went all the way to BIS!!

Sia and Kathrine did good in the ring and ended up as number two in the dual competition!

Monday we had seven own dogs in the ring and also Iver and Kembo.

It was a good day and Märtha showed herselfe to BIS Veteran again

A lovely weekend with lovely company and much fun! 

Kalexas How You Hate To Be Wrong "Elsie May" 

Saturday: BOB Puppy, BIS-1 Puppy.

Sunday: 1 JKK, CK, BOB Junior, BIS-2 Junior.

CH Kalexas Carrera "Märtha"

1 Vetk, CK, BOB Vet, BIS-Veteran!

CH Kalexas Loch Anna "Anna"

1 CHK, CK, 2 BTK.

CH Calzeat Get The Feeling "Sia"

Sunday: 2 CHK, CK.

Monday: 2 BKK; CK.

Calzeat Baby One More Time "Lucy"

Sunday: Exc, AK.

Monday: 2 AKK, CK.

CH Kalexas River Glenmore "Glen"

2 CHKK, CK, 4 BHK.

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle "Magnus"

3 CHK, CK.

CH Kalexas Loch Fender "Iver"

Sunday: VG, 4 AKK.

Monday: Exc, 3 AKK.

Owner: Ingunn Nesfeldt.

CH Kalexas Loch Ciaran "Kembo"

Sunday: VG, 3 AKK.

Monday: VG, 4 AKK.

Owner: Stig Fladen. 

Voitto`s Second CAC 18/5-23

Kalexas Behind The Wheel "Voitto Haakon" was at the Nat. Show in Vantaa in Finland 18/23. 

Under judge Heli Siikonen, Fl. Voitto was for last time in Intermidiate class. He was first with CK, and was later 1 BHK with his second CAC and ended the day with BOS.

Owner is Anne Kolsi from Finland.

Congratulation from proud breeders!!

Welcome to Kathrine in Kalexas

As from today Kathrine Gunstad is a member of Kennel Kalexas. 

NKK has aproved the papers and we are now happy to continue our work with Kathrine as a dedicated member of our team!

Bergen 13-14/5-23!

The first show this year for our own dogs.

Saturday NKK Int. Show

Judge Markku Mähönen, Finland

we had 9 dogs entered and best did Magnus and Anna.

CH Kalexas Balmoral Castle


CH Kalexas Loch Anna


Sunday it was NRK Bergen Nat. Show.

Judge was Mr Frank Kane, UK.

11 dog entered and they all did well!

Elsie and Obelix BOB ans BOS Puppy. Elsie went on to BIS-3 Puppy.

Magnus Best Male and BOS.

Glen second best male.

Kembo first in Open class.

Iver Second in Open Class.

Sara Second in Intermidiate.

Thyra fourth in a open class of 21!

Anna second in Champion.

Märtha first in veteran Third best Bitch And BIS-Veteran.

We also went BIS Breederclass with a lovely report from Mr Kane: Super type throughout. Very even with the raisy outline that I like. Beautiful quality in the headshape and moulding. All of them with firm toplines and tail Carriage.

Lizzie wins again!

At Vest-Agder Elghundklubb`s bloodtracking test 7/5-23 Kalexas Loch Fern "Lizzie" and her owner Sølvi did good again!

They started for their third time in Elite klass and got 96 out of 100 points. It was the best score of the day and Lizzie was the winner of the test!!

Congratulaitions to Lizzie and Sølvi from very proud breeders!!!

Thyra is AI with Jura 2/5-23

On the second of may Thyra had her appointment with her reprovet Ragnar Thomassen.

Everything was good to go and the AI was done. 

So now fingers and paws are crossed for lots of little Jura & Thyra puppies at the end of June.

Lizzie new NV(f)CH 29/4-23

Kalexas Loch Fern and her owner Sølvi did their second start in Elite class in tracking and they did goos! Lizzie got the points she needed and can now add a new title to her name. 

NBSCH NV(F)CH RL-I RL-II RL-III Kalexas Loch Fern.

We are so proud of Lizzzie and Sølvi and the work they have put into this!

Congratulations from humble breeders!

Two Times CAC in Switserland.

"Benti" Multi JCH Multi JW-22 Kalexas Bentley Brooklands was in Switzerland 22-23/4. And both days he won Intermidiat Class and was rewarded wit CAC both days. 

Young Benti keeps up doing great in the showring and we are so proud of him!

Two times CK in Finnland

"Voitto" Kalexas Behind The Wheel has been showing off two weekends in a row. 

From Intermidiat class he was placed as Nr 1 with CK at both Vasa Int Dog Show and at Lahti Int Dog Show. 

Voitto is owned by Anne Kolsi in Finland.

At Vasa his litter sister "Stella Rose" Kalexas Never Let Me down Again also won Intermidiate Class with CK.

We are so proud of our young siblings from our litter with Arminzeras King Dave Of Basildon and Kalexas Glammis Castle.

Awsome day in the show ring. 15/4-23

At SKK Sundsvall Kalexas Never Let Me Down Again "Stella Rose" and her owner, Mari Stine Johansen, went all the way! From winning intermidiate class with CK to Best Bitch with her first well deserved CAC! She ended up BOS and we are so proud of our young lady!

At the Int. Dog Show in Antwerpen i Belgium young "Benti" Kalexas Bentley Brooklands got his third Belgian CAC and will now have to waite until february next year before he can go for his fourth and crowning CAC for the Belgian Show Champion title.

He also got his second CACIB!

So proud of him and his owners Nancy and Stefaan from kennel Flat Passions in Belgium.

Iona`s debut in the show ring!

First weekend in april "Iona" Kalexas Upper Class At Greenbayhill had her debut in the showring. At the FCR Society Breedshow under judge Gill Smitherman she was first in Minor puppy and third in Puppy out of thirtenn entries.

Fifth of april she was entered at Windsor Gundog Open show under judge Lauren Broome.

Anoter first in class and also Best puppy for young Iona!

By this she is now qualified for Crufts in 2024 at her very first attempt at the age of seven months old!

We are so proud og her and her owner Mr Roy Douglas!

No spring puppys!

Unfortunatly there will be no spring puppys at Kennel Kalexas this year.

At the ultra scan on monday Deena showed us an empty uterus and we are so sorry.

 So now we are making other plans and looking forward to Thyra and Juras hopefully litter later this summer.

Desverre viste ultralyden ingen valper hos Deena og dermed blir det ingen vårvalper hos oss i år.

Men vi svelger skuffelsen og legger nye planer.

Vi venter dermed i spenning på at Thyra skal begynne å løpe og vi forhåpentligvis kan ta i mot hennes og Juras valper litt senere i sommer!

Lizzie med Rally-Cert nr 2. 11/3-23

NBSCH RL-I RL-II RL-III Kalexas Loch Fern

"Lizzie" and her owner Sølvi last night did a trip to Drammen to compeet in Rally-Obidience.

It went very well and with only three points of for tuching a coon they ended with a total of 197 points!

This beautiful run was rewarded with a first price, number three in the class and Rally CAC number two!!

We are so proud of Lizzie and her beautiful way of representing our breed in this dog sport.

Thank you Lizzie and Sølvi from thankfull breeders!!

Cruftsweek is on.

Kalexas Bentley Brooklands

was representing our small kennel this year. 

Not in the cards this time, but he did good on the green carpet.

He still got a lot of maturing to do and in a few years he`ll be much better of in this big arena.

No matter what we are so proud of this young boy and all his achievements in such a young age.

Thank you to Bentis owners for giving him all this opertunitys!

It is official

The CIB-J is now confirmed by FCI!

Bentley is now officialy known as CIB-J BEJCH NLJCH CHJCH FRJCH BEJW-22 NLJW-22 ALPJW-22 BENELUX JW-22 Kalexas Bentley Brooklands.

We are so proud of this young boy and his owners i Belgium. Nancy and Stefaan from kennel Flat Passion.

Lizzie med CERT i Rally LP 11/2-23

Lizzie og Sølvi vinner Eliteklassen og tar sitt første cert på årets første start!!

For ett radarpar disse to er! Å se den effekten treningen har og det de nå får betalt for. Selv om det har vært flere ganger med "stang ut" og små detaljer mellom vinn eller forsvinn har Sølvi vært like målrettet og det betaler seg!

så nå er første nappet til nok ett Championat for Lizzie i boksen!

Vi er så stolte av dere to og alt dere får til, og takk for at du og Lizzie er skapt for hverandre!

Bentley best male in Belgium 29/1.23.

Mouscron 48e Exposition Int Dog Show Belgium

Judge Jos De Cuyper, Belgium.

Multi JCH Multi JW Kalexas Bentley Brooklands.

His second start in Intermediate class and he went all the way yo Best Male!

gaining his first CACIB, duble CAC and BOS!

So proud of this young boy!

Congratulations to his owners, Kennel Flat Pasisions in Belgium.

A couple of weeks ago Benti had his debut i Intremediat class and it happend at Paris Int. Dog Show. He did excellent an won his class both days.

He also got two CACS and has now started on his way to two new French titles! Fingers crossed for our Multi JCH Multi JW Benti and his owners.

Kalexas Bentley Brooklands did good i France

Kerst Show i Gorinchem, Nederrland 17/12-22.

Siste uken før jul tok Kathrine Gunstad og jeg en liten juletur til Gorinchem i Nederland. 

Litt forskjellig stod på programmet også en Int. utstilling. Nancy og Stefaan hadde tatt med seg Bentley og tatt turen fra Belgia så vi fikk feiret denne unge guttens fantastiske år i ringen. Champagne ringside er aldri feil!

Glen stilte for andre gang i Nederland og han fortsatte som sist. Nr 1 i Bruksklassen og derfra til Beste hannhund med Cert og CACIB nr 2 i Nl. 

Magnus ble nr 2 i Championklassen slått av årets mestvinnende flat i Nederland.

Vi hadde en fantastisk tur for sjel og helse som vi gjerne gjør om igjen!